Politics in Minnesota - 18 hours ago “I think I've had the chief judgeship from hell,” she told Capitol ... Kathleen Gearin: I know any judge faced with this situation would be frustrated. ... 3 related articles |
Gearin: 'I've had the chief judgeship from hell' - Politics in ...
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Minnesota Constitution - Politics in Minnesota
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Gearin: 'I've had the chief judgeship from hell' - Finance & Commerce
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Chief Judge Kathleen R. Gearin - Judge Profile
Chief Judge Kathleen R. Gearin. Ramsey County. Ramsey County Courthouse ... District Court Judge- Second Judicial District, 1987-present ...
It has been quite a week. After being permanently banned from ever filing a lawsuit in any court anywhere in America for the rest of my life (last week), one might think this week could not possibly top that. Well, you’ll have to “judge” for yourself. This week was just as eventful.
For the first time, I sincerely fear for my life now. I’ll explain why on Sunday’s Online TV Show – 5 to 7 pm EDT on www.Shovio.com
Please tune in. I am saving all the news for then as it will be more exciting.
Folks, the extent of the corruption in America continues to amaze me. I don’t know what in the world we can do!
William M. Windsor
Please join my cause: http://www.causes.com/causes/593708-support-the-constitution-bill-of-rights-honesty-in-government
Office: 770-578-1094
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